Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sweet September Night

I saw Mr. Man last night. I'm still on cloud nine. Again, I don't wanna talk about him too much, but we had a great time and some great conversation. Found that we had many things in common. Just nice to spend time together and get to know each other. He makes my heart flutter...

Well Dr. FGN has been fired. He acted a complete and total ass yesterday. I was off from work and totally told him I would be 2 weeks ago. I told him that I didn't have plans and that if he wanted to see me we should plan it out. So he said he would see. Well after that conversation I didn't hear from him anymore. Until yesterday afternoon. Yeah, well it was too late because I had already made plans to be with Mr. Man. And did you really think I was gonna change those plans??? NOT!!!

So Dr. FGN sends me a text telling me that he's at his sister's house (she live close to me) and asks if he could come see me. I was with Mr. Man, so I texted him back and told him I was unavailable. I told him that since I didn't hear from him, I made plans and that I couldn't see him. Well apparently that didn't sit well with him. I haven't heard from him.

No time for a picture today...sorry =(

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