Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Time To Put My Big Girl Panties On

I don't know what's wrong with me lately. I've been doubting myself and stressing over things that I shouldn't be stressing over. My friends have been encouraging me and I'm sure they think I'm crazy. Yes, I am...delirious right now.

It appears that my comment did not offend Mr. Man from the previous post. I saw him the next night also, at his request. We exchanged numbers and have been texting. Tonight we actually talked on the phone for the first time. I was so nervous. Why? I don't know. Why would I be nervous on the phone, that's just silly. But I was. One friend said maybe it's a star struck/admiration kinda thing, but I don't think that's it.
When I saw him the second night I got so nauseated, I almost went home. I have NEVER EVER felt like this before. No one has made me this nervous. But its a good nervous. I think I'm losing it. For real. I can't even talk about it because it makes me smile so much that my cheeks hurt. And then I don't wanna talk about it because I don't wanna jinx anything, (I do believe God has a plan though and no jinx can penetrate that). I've just gotta suck it up. Put my Big Girl panties and deal with it, head on. Face this nervousness.

I really didn't want him to know that I was nervous but he said that he was nervous about meeting me too. Him nervous about meeting lil old me??? Oh wow! But as Glam told me the other night, I'm the bomb bitch...So I guess I need to tell myself that every morning when I wake up, write it on post its and look at it until I remember who I am.
I'm going to bed now...with a huge smile on my face...Damn...yeah I am REALLY trippin...

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