Thursday, September 11, 2008

So You Want Me To Give You A Baby?

That's one hell of a question asked to me by one hell of a man. Yesterday I got home and turned on the computer and to my surprise there were offline instant messages (IM) from Dr. FGN. I was delighted in light of the fact that it had almost been a week since I last heard from him. We chatted for about an hour and then he called me. This was rare, never really talk to him while he's at work. Before he called the IM's consisted of how he missed me, has been thinking about me, and when can he see me. Okay, I have to admit it felt nice to have him contact me first because I was really missing him and wanted to call. But I didn't and it made me feel even better that I let him make that next contact.

During the phone conversation we were talking about seeing each other and when that was going to happen. I'm busy this weekend and so is he. "This will never work", I'm thinking to myself. But he seems pretty adamant about spending time with me. We started talking about babies, because most of my friends have kids or want kids. It was just a random conversation. So he asked me if I wanted kids and I told him that I would love to have a baby, but I don't have any prospects to father it. There was a silent pause. And then out of nowhere he asks, "So you want me to give you a baby?" I immediately responded with laughter, and I made that spitting sound with my mouth. He was offended. He asked "did you just make that spitting sound?". I replied yes, as I was still laughing. He told me that he was very serious. Now how ya gonna explain that one to the girlfriend'? Is he serious? Really?

I told Glam and she's all excited. Now really, what would I do with a baby right now? I definitely wouldn't have time to come here and write all this foolishness. No more sex, no more vodka, no more sex, no more shopping at will, did I mention no more sex? Yeah, I might have a baby jones, but right now, today...I don't want to be pregnant. Maybe next summer or something. Too many more men to conquer before I put on my 'MOMMY hat'. I've got to get my hands on one of those twins. Both would be great, but at least one of them.

Hmmm...Dr. FGN wants to write me a prescription for a baby. I actually wouldn't mind having his baby, his family appears to be blessed with the "pretty gene" so that would be a plus. I know that sounds bad, but who wants an ugly baby??? I don't!!! Damn, the only prescription I want from him right now is limitless refills of his good loving. Do men try to get women knocked up? That would be some crazy shit right there.

1 comment:

BronxStateOfMind said...

hedge ur bets with my suggestion......frozen sperm, lol.