Monday, September 15, 2008

Summer Love

Ahhh...the official ending to summer, my favorite season, is rapidly approaching and I must say that it was one helluva summer. I went from being totally alone and thoroughly enjoying that to a total nut job of a 'boyfriend' to a one night encounter that has left me with scattered emotions.

I love the picture for this post. I love sunsets. I would love to be sitting up on that tree with Dr. FGN (and I'm terribly afraid of heights, but I'd sit there with him). We talk everyday and I can't wait to see him. He doesn't live near me, its kinda something we have to plan. But I am looking forward to it nonetheless. ***sighing with a dreamy look on my face***

C&D texted me to see if I wanted him to go to church with me yesterday...ummm...that would be a big fat NO!!! With his crazy ass, they would probably hold him hostage at the altar and put all kinds of healing/holy oil on him. And I wouldn't stop them...I'd be right there praying too...In the name of Jesus, please keep this man away from GP...AMEN...I'm laughing, but its really not funny...

I'm kinda mad because I took C&D to a couple of my favorite hideaways and now I don't wanna go there because his stalker alarm may go off and he might show up. One of the places is my favorite restaurant, the waiters would kick his ass though...they love me in there. Damnit, and the other place is a public place, so he could just stalk the hell outta me there. Me and my sharing. Damn I knew I shouldn't have taken him to those places.

Addio estate...(farewell summer in Italian)...

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