Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Devil's Threesome

Yes, I got my freak on with two men at the same time. I guess it was the alcohol. I guess it was curiosity. I guess I might need to go "sit on the couch" and discuss some of my behavioral issues with someone. I was 30 years old, single, hot in the pants and needed to be hosed down.

This particular night one of my good friends from childhood was over. He happened to be friends with the guy I kissed all night in college (from a previous post). They came over to visit me. We were drinking and reminiscing about old times. I guess we had too much to drink. The conversation is still fuzzy in my head, but I remember them saying something about me being scary. We started talking shit back and forth and then we got on the subject of sex. I had been having sex with the kissing guy for a while after we graduated. But I hadn't done anything with my childhood friend. I remember thinking that this wasn't right, but some how, some way the three of us ended up in my bedroom.

It was quite interesting to have two men "working" on me at the same time. I was in sensory overload. The kissing guy knew what I liked, so he went for his while my childhood friend was kinda tripping out. Then he started to kiss me too. It was wild. It was fun but very different. I don't believe that I would try it again. And just in case you're wondering, the two men didn't have sex with each other and NO I won't have sex with a woman.


Bombchell said...

interesting... uh how i did i stumble in here again? lol oh yeah blog hopping.

oh well at least u dont regret it, and hopefully u used protection.

gosh imagine getting pregnant, that might be a lil complicated =) and even if u do, it's always a blessing.

lol yeah i think i'll leave now. lol

BronxStateOfMind said...


why you think everyone loves Maury's DNA shows.......god i love my sick days if only for just those shows, lol.

Mrs.Bailey said...

Thats classic...telling a girl she scary and challenging her in order to make her do what they want you to do.I like youe blog alot but it sounds like they had that all planed out before they even got there..

Mrs.Bailey said...

Mad typos got it.

GP said...

Hey ya'll..

Bombchell, yes protection is ALWAYS used...aint that much drunk in the world...

Bronx...yes Maury is great for sick days...btw...YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER!!!...LMAO =)

Swagg...welcome...not sure if they had it planned out, cuz the childhood friend ended up acting like the scardey

Alright its been a very busy week, so I will try to play catch up this weekend =)

Jade Hart said...


I came across your photo of the threesome on google images. I'm writing a book that will be published in March 2013 and would very much like to use the image. I'd pay you for it and link all ownership back to you and your blog.

Would you be interested in letting me use it?

Please email me at jadehart888 at gmail dot com to let me know.

Thanks so much