I need my ass whipped...I can't believe that I have left this blog hanging like this for almost a year and a half. I've been writing but just not online. So I guess that's what's happened. My trusty laptop died on me and I certainly wasn't about to attempt to do this via my phone (and develop carpal tunnel, hell no!) Okay, enough with the excuses. I hate it when people do that to me, so I wont do it to you. So much to tell, updates on some that you've met here already and a couple of new ones to add to the equation. But to date, I am still single in the city and kinda lovin' it. I said that 2010 was going to be a year of adventure and it surely has been. Most of the adventure hasn't been pleasant, but I have learned a lot in the journey so far. But the parts that have been pleasant, were/are almost dream-like. Unfortunately, I have fallen back into my "potty mouth" habit, so please be patient with me as I try to reform, once again, into a good girl...lol.